Musical instruments


the hybrid sound system

Each module is a bundle of analog synthesizers, filters and media players. Some sound effect processors are upgraded by the author and perform the function of sound generators. The upper part of the shell of the ship hydrosphere serves as the case for the devices.

"Inosphere" is in the collection of the author.

Created: 2013

Participation in concerts and festivals (selected):
  • "APosition", the international forum of experimental music, St.Petersburg, 2016
  • "NewQold A/V", the residence of arts and technology Kvartariata, Peterghof, 2017
  • "Poetronika" and "Core of life", Dom cultural center, Moscow, 2013
  • "Machine sketch", Octava industrial cluster, Tula, 2018
  • «Homo Mechanicus» — National center for contemporary arts, 2018