Duofluctus is the overtonal musical instrument. It is based on the innovative principle of sound generation. Two strings oscillate under the action of an alternating magnetic field, which is formed as a result of rotation of the flywheel with neodymium magnets. The flywheel is located directly under the strings and has a non-contact effect on both strings at the same time. The speed of rotation of the flywheel is regulated by a voltage regulator.
During the playing you can also adjust the strings, which affects the change of the spectrum of overtones. It's possibly to use other techniques of sound generation: plucked, with bow or slider etc.
This musical instrument is in a collections of Tarek Atoui (FR), Alan Affichard (DE/FR), Igor Porte (FR), Shane Aspegren (US/CN),Chi Shing Kung (HK), Julia Giertz (SE), Olaf Pyras (DE) and others musicians.