this is a large-scale art project, implemented in various modifications, which include sound sculptures and spatial sound installations

In the process of interaction sound sculptures form a single polyphonic canvas, and visitors moving in the space of the exhibition can observe its transformation. As a composer Sergey Filatov creates a kind of musical score on the basis of random or algorithmic order, varies and arranges transformations of the sound canvas, relying on the natural principles of sound textures. Sound of the objects, refracted in unusual exposition spaces, is organized into a complex transformation system: construction of sound sculptures grows into forming of sound architecture.
The artist designs forms with new technological functionality and metaphysical properties, transforming the components of specialized equipment, reincarnating their sound potential in the purpose of an element of the work of art. Particular attention is paid to revealing the acoustic properties of materials: quartz, glass, brass, aluminum, plants' seeds, etc. Sound installations reflect different principles of sound production (some are artist's discoveries), as well as different timbre, volume level and direction of sound.

Sound sculptures of Sergey Filatov consistently embody the principle of continuous variability characteristic for natural phenomena. Presented as a total sound installation, they reorganize sound in space, embodying the idea of acoustic awareness.
Moscow Museum of Modern Art
and Triumph Gallery

I Hear You
solo exhibition

Moscow, 2022

Artservatory Contemporary Art Center

Trajectory of Resonances,
solo exhibition

Khabarovsk, 2021-2022

Sixieme Sens

exhibition collaboration
with Cartier jewelry and watch house

Zyfergauz, New Holland (Saint Petersburg)
and IRRI Loft (Moscow), October 2021

the events are organized with the participation of V Confession,
photos by Cartier and V Confession press centers

Dreiviertel Gallery

Unhindered Movement,
solo exhibition

Bern, Switzerland, 2021
ÀDuplex Gallery

Amidst Resonances,
solo exhibition

Geneva, Switzerland, 2021

Two dots on a smooth black surface,
solo exhibition

Moscow, 2020
GARAGE museum

version for the II Triennial of Contemporary Art

Moscow, 2020-2021
Novosibirsk State Art Museum
and TRIUMPH Gallery

The Garden of the Elusive Sonors,
solo exhibition

Novosibirsk, 2020-2021
ERARTA contemporary art museum

solo exhibition

Saint-Petersburg, 2019

in the framework of the exhibition "Oscillating superstructures"

Moscow, 2019
LEINE contemporary art gallery

solo exhibition

Hannover, Germany, 2019
HORTUS contemporary art gallery

The exhibition project of NCCA "Fructus Temporum»
Botanical garden of Moscow state University

Moscow, 2018
COMEL contemporary art gallery

personal exhibition

Italy, 2019
Palace and park ensemble Arkhangelskoye

sound sculptures in the dome space at the XV festival Usad'ba Jazz

Moscow, 2018
Theatre Practika

Moscow, 2019
The General Staff of the State Hermitage

as part of the intellectual marathon
International cultural forum

Saint Petersburg, 2017