In Sergey Filatov's artworks there is an integral approach, including the principles of site specificity, science art, upcycle art, sound art and experimental music.
Sergey Filatov creates sound sculptures, discovering new principles of sound production and experimenting with the sound direction in space. His works combine engineering and robotization on the one hand, and on the other hand – the desire to reveal philosophical ideas, meditativeness or sensuality .
The artist designs forms with new technological functionality and metaphysical properties, transforming the components of specialized equipment, reincarnating their sound potecial in the purpose of the element of the work of art:
- the ship's gyrocompass reincarnated in the body of the sound sculpture "RandomTala"
- radiators of cooling systems stay sound sources in the "Platosonus" and «Among the Resonance»
- radio receivers and radiotelephones acquire a new purpose as part of the sound sculptures "Dialogues" and " Long wave: 150-400»
- quartz disks from telescopes reveal their acoustic properties in the sculpture "Parallel touch"